
and welcome! 🙂 I am Iva and this blog is my place to talk about creativity and marketing. My intention is to share whatever inspires me, my learnings, experiences and advice.

A bit more about me:

In 2017 I got my PhD in Marketing on the Faculty of Economics in Skopje, Macedonia.

I am the Chief Creative Officer and partner in the Skopje based marketing agency Brand Union. You can read more about my professional experience here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivadujak/

In 2019 I started a series of events called Creative Talks which have the purpose of increasing creativity.

I love marketing and creativity in all shapes and forms, they inspire me, motivate me to learn more and challenge myself on daily basis. I hope I’ll be able to transfer at least a bit of this passion to you through this blog.

I hope you like Creative Talks 🙂 Thanks for being here!