When you want to show the world that your brand is dominating the market, but you don’t want to be too arrogant about it 🙂

Heinz conducted an anonymous research/social experiment in which they asked people from different backgrounds to draw a bottle of ketchup. The participants were informed that they were a part of an anonymous social experiment for an ad, but had no idea what brand it was for. The request was simple – use your memory, your creativity and draw a bottle of ketchup.
Despite of the different locations, age, cuisine, most of the participants drew a version of a Heinz ketchup bottle, and Heinz cleverly used all the results in their latest campaign simply named “We asked people to draw a bottle of ketchup. They drew Heinz.”

In the campaign they show the research conducted in different countries, people from different races, nationalities, but one very similar answer, the Heinz ketchup bottle design. Not only did they use these “works of art” in their promotional communication, Heinz even created a special series of hand drawn labels to further spread the story even in the super markets.
In the era of “me me me” communication, self-promotion and forced influencing, this is a great fresh approach in presenting the strength and importance of a brand in the culture. Heinz is not just a well known brand, it is a synonym for a whole category of products. Not much more a brand can wish for. 🙂
Discover more creative campaigns like this one, here: https://mktg.mk/category/inspiration/