


When the copy is just so good…

I’m a bit late to this ad but just couldn’t miss an opportunity to share it. Without the copy it’s just a standard, cool basketball photo, but the copy makes it just soo much better. It’s so much more than just a sneakers ad, it’s an ad that shows it understands the target audience, their way of thinking, and the sport itself. So simple, yet so deep, I just love it!

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my thoughts

I’m sorry, but the Hilton TikTok ad sucks

Starting this blog I promised myself I’d use it to spread positivity and examples that inspire and motivate readers to do better and more. But there are some exceptions. 🙂 Hilton’s 10 minute TikTok ad has been all over media, filled with so much praise, that it actually makes me wonder, is it all paid PR or I’m missing something. So I had to share my thoughts.

I’m writing this not only as a marketer, but also as an addicted (not so proud) TikTik user who spends (again, not so proudly) an average of 3 hours per day on this network. My idea is not to spread negativity but to point out what could and should be done better next time, hoping that in the future, other brands can learn from Hilton’s mistakes.

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Pringles hamster wonderfully different ad

A wonderfully different ad

There are some ads that make you forget all about the rules and needs of good advertising. They’re so ridiculous, a good slogan, a good premise, precise targeting, nothing really matters. This latest ad by Pringles is one of those ads, and I have to say, I love it.

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Super Bowl Favorites 2023

Although it’s a little late and probably everyone forgot about the Super Bowl, I just had to take my pick and continue the tradition of choosing the best Super Bowl ads. So aside from Rihanna’s awesome Fenty product placement, which definitely has no competition, these are my favorites from this years not-so -great Super Bowl ads selection.

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