
creative talks



Talk about great prep for a Superbowl campaign! CeraVe has taken over TikTok with a series of content-creator collaborations announcing something funny going on 🙂

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Womb Stories by Bodyform

[inspiration] Womb stories by Bodyform

There are not a lot of ads that can make me emotional even after watching them a few times. After while working in marketing, it is hard to set aside the industry built in skepticism and ability to recognize sales formulas. But this ad manages to do it every time I watch it.

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fran lebowitz in pretend it's a city
Creative Tips

Creative Tips: Pretend It’s a City

Fran Lebowitz е писателка која 30+ години нема издадено ништо ново поради (како што самата тврди) креативна блокада. Тоа воопшто не ја спречува да биде супер креативна во начинот на раскажување за нејзиниот живот, промените на Њујорк низ децениите и гледиштата за денешното општество.

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Creative Talks #4

You know what they say, getting comfortable can be the worst enemy of creativity. Just as I got used to organizing the Creative Talks and everything that goes with the event planning and execution, a new challenge appeared.

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Creative Talks #3

In the third Creative Talks I had the pleasure of talking to a dear friend of mine, co-blogger at Skopjecasual.mk and all around an awesome person, Aleksandra Hristov.

She shared her experiences with creativity from the earliest age up to today where she invents creative games to play with her daughters. The photos give just a small part of the atmosphere, you can see more on the official Facebook & Instagram Pages.

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