

Creative Tips

Creative Tips: Show your work

Ако барате што да читате, ви ја препорачувам „Show your work“ од Austin Kleon.
Авторот ја претставува како збир од 10 совети како да ја споделите својата креативност и да бидете откриени, јас само би додала, сето тоа на ненаметлив начин кој нема да ѝ наштети на вашата уметност.
Можете да ја нарачате на Amazon или Book Depository. 🙂

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Creative Tips

Creative Tips: Abstract

Ако сте расположени за гледање на нешто креативно и мнооогу инспиративно, од сѐ срце ви ја препорачувам Abstract на Netflix. Зборува за уметноста на дизајнот, во епизодите можете да видите импресивни ликови а истовремено и продукцијата на епизодите е ремек дело само по себе. Ја има на Netflix, а повеќе можете да погледнете тука:

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[Inspiration] Beyond The Streets

I accidentally came across “Beyond The Streets” watching the awesome LA Originals movie (read this post and then watch it riiiight away :)), and I just had to Google everything about this place instantly. Beyond The Streets is an exhibition of graffiti, street art and all in all a wonderful homage to the street culture. As they describe it, Beyond The Street celebrates “the most pervasive mark makers and rule breakers” in the society.

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Creative Talks #4

You know what they say, getting comfortable can be the worst enemy of creativity. Just as I got used to organizing the Creative Talks and everything that goes with the event planning and execution, a new challenge appeared.

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Tips & Tricks

How to create at a stressful time?

Finding creativity in a time of stress can be a great way to release tension and relax the mind. Focusing your mind on something positive can give you the much needed relaxation, a sense of fulfillment, and can make your day go by faster. Taking these steps can help you find your creativity and forget (at least for a short time) about the bad information all around us.

Step 1: Log out

Dedicate at least 2 hours where you will completely disconnect. No social media, no updates in your chat groups, no turning on and off the TV to check for the latest news. Dedicate this time only to your creativity, and, as tough as it may sound, try to clear your mind and prepare it for creation.

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Creative Talks #3

In the third Creative Talks I had the pleasure of talking to a dear friend of mine, co-blogger at and all around an awesome person, Aleksandra Hristov.

She shared her experiences with creativity from the earliest age up to today where she invents creative games to play with her daughters. The photos give just a small part of the atmosphere, you can see more on the official Facebook & Instagram Pages.

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[inspiration] The Dreamer by Puma

One of my favorite things about modern marketing is the focus that is placed on storytelling. Giving the primate to the story instead of the product itself can make the ad so much stronger and effective. One of the great examples of this approach is the latest ad by Puma. Developed in collaboration with J.Coles’ production Dreamville, it presents a dreamy story of a child wanting to become a basketball player.

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my thoughts

Super Bowl ad favorites 2020

It’s one of the most anticipated events in the marketing industry, expected to be the place where brands compete in their creativity in communication. Unfortunately, this years Superbowl ads gave me the impression that the only competition was in the amounts for media placement and number of celebrities included. From more than 30 ads, I chose only six, and if I’m being totally honest, only a few of them would make it to the “best” list if the competitors were not so bad 🙂 Anyways, enjoy the “chosen ones” 🙂

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