
Creative Talks

Creative Talks

Creative Talks #14: Natasa Petrovic

Во 14те Creative Talks (конечно во живо!) се дружевме со Наташа Петровиќ.

Наградувана актерка позната по нејзините бројни улоги во независни и национални театри, како и локални и интернационални филмови.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #13: Ruki Chuki

Во среќните 13ти Creative Talks се дружиме со Руки 🙂 Чепнавме по малку од многуте теми за кои можеме да разговараме со неа – илустрацијата, графичкиот дизајн, цртањето графити, Лондонската дизајн заедница и секојдневна инспирација.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #12: Nebojsha Gelevski Bane

Во дванаесеттие Creative Talks го имав задоволството да разговарам со Небојша Гелевски Бане. Еден од најпознатите графички дизајнери кај нас, препознатлив по неговиот визуелен активизам а во последно време и улогата на предавач на дизјан академии. Со Бане поразговаравме за неговиот пат и развој низ дизајнот и агенциското работење, за моменталната дизајн сцена и можностите за подобрување, како и неговите омилени проекти и препораки за младите дизајнери. Уживајте! 🙂

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #10

Јана Оршолиќ е дизајнерка, професорка, креаторка на прекрасниот бренд „Само нежно према себи“…На кусо, една многу многу инспиративна креативка. 😊

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks – Mateja Nikolikj

Mateja Nikolikj is an awesome young illustrator and graphic designer. Her illustrations are sooo fresh and modern, always telling interesting stories, making you want to look at them longer, just to discover new segments of the big picture. She shared her thoughts on the creative block and finding inspiration, and I have to say this is the first time in the Creative Talks someone has had this type of opinion on creative block. Here are her thoughts…

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #9

In the ninth Creative Talks I had the pleasure of talking to the most successful Macedonian Illustrator, Txe Mico. His work is well known locally as he is creator of some of the most popular cartoons and characters as well as art director of the first full-length cartoon in Macedonia, but also recognized internationally, as his work is wide-spread around the world (one of his latest projects is a board game for Game of Thrones!).

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks – Angela Petrovska

We continue the series of chats with young creatives with Angela Petrovska, a dancer, photographer, and proud owner of 2 photography Instagram profiles – porstreflexions, dedicated to her analogue camera photographs and petrovskaangela her personal profile, and digital photography diary. She shared her experiences about her creative process and how to deal with creative block. Enjoy! 🙂

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #7

I created Creative Talks in order to share knowledge and experience to the public, but also to challenge myself to get out of the ordinary framework of my closest surroundings and everyday work environment. Never in a million years would I’ve imagined that it would lead me to speaking to a real rocket scientist who has worked on a NASA mission to Mars.

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