


Fuck Dani Komunikacija – Love Dani Komunikacija

I’ll start this off by saying Dani Komunikacija is always awesome. Year after year, I prepare myself that I might have too big of expectations based on the previous experience, that it’s too tough to keep up the same level of quality and energy with each new conference, but somehow, they always seem to grow and upgrade, and absolutely never let me down.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #18: Portret

In the latest Creative Talks we had the pleasure of speaking to Ruzica, Bojana and Zarko from Portret. They share the story of founding the magazine and digital platform, the process of planning, developing and promoting a magazine and all the ups & downs that come in this story. Enjoy 🙂

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #17: Kokarche

Creativity in cooking, photography, managing a micro blog on social media…We spoke to Dobrica Nasevikj about her interesting way of sharing her creativity – her food blog with unique photographs – Kokarche. Enjoy the talk 🙂

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I never thought I’d like a Peloton ad…

But I stand corrected 🙂 This ad is a perfect example of witty, funny response to a trending event. In their latest ad, Peloton connects to the very much publicized sequel of “Sex and the City“. Sorry for the spoiler, but I guess you’ve all probably heard this already, one of the main characters of the show Mr.Big dies in the second episode after his regular cycling exercise with Peloton.

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my thoughts

Small Design Change vs. Big Brand Change

Most of the time, change is really really tough, especially in the world of marketing. You invest so much into creating and building a brand, fight for the recognition and remembrance, just to find out after a while that all that you’ve done needs a refreshment, or that it’s just plain boring and (already?) old :/

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #15: Show Your Work

Наместо стандардни Creative Talks, во ова летно издание им отстапуваме простор на сцената на сите млади графички и веб дизајнери кои сакаат да ги презентираат своите портфолија на јавноста и да добијат фидбек од двајца супер искусни креативци:

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #14: Natasa Petrovic

Во 14те Creative Talks (конечно во живо!) се дружевме со Наташа Петровиќ.

Наградувана актерка позната по нејзините бројни улоги во независни и национални театри, како и локални и интернационални филмови.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #13: Ruki Chuki

Во среќните 13ти Creative Talks се дружиме со Руки 🙂 Чепнавме по малку од многуте теми за кои можеме да разговараме со неа – илустрацијата, графичкиот дизајн, цртањето графити, Лондонската дизајн заедница и секојдневна инспирација.

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