
How much is your audience really willing to engage?

The “likes”, the “shares”, the “loves”, brands are constantly in search of the great engagement. We create our campaigns to entertain the audience, educate them, inform them, make them laugh, and celebrate when we get that famous click of a button called “like”. But even that is becoming harder and harder to get.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #26: Julija Castellucci

Julija Castellucci is a vocal artist working in the field of time and space art. She shared her works, her way of creating and conducting her performances, inspiration for her project Digitalna Imovina and gave us a close look at her alchemy. Enjoy!

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my thoughts

Trends I love: Reverse shopping

Large clothing and furniture companies have initiated “reverse shopping” campaigns, motivating the audience to resell old or unused products they’ve bought from the companies. We’ve been doing it since forever, but to get the brands actually involved in the process is a great step towards less pollution and smarter consumption.

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0$ idea that works!

I love these seemingly small activities that grow into great campaigns. Paying respect to the retirement of one of the best tennis players Roger Federer, the Swiss telecom Sunrise created a very creative tribute.

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my thoughts

Brands take on TikTok

Just like any other social network, the first perception of TikTok was – “it’s just for kids”. The same mentality we encountered 8 years ago when trying to sell the then new Facebook Pages to brands, has continued until today (and it probably will continue further on).

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my thoughts

The “je ne sais quoi” of Maximum Effort’s marketing

Let me start this post with saying that I might be a little biased. Even though I’ve never been a huge fan of Ryan Reynolds’ career (except for Deadpool, off course), I instantly fell in love with his (company’s?) way of doing marketing, from the first ad I saw.

Remember the Deadpool promo videos? It was a still new approach and not many of us were used to see movie characters promoting their movies this way, but looking back at those same videos now, they’re still as cool as they were the first time I saw them. I kind of think that breaking the fourth wall in the Deadpool movies, has actually helped set a direction in all the overall marketing communication that we’re now used to see from the Maximum Effort Production.

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