Creative Talks

Creative Talks #15: Show Your Work

Наместо стандардни Creative Talks, во ова летно издание им отстапуваме простор на сцената на сите млади графички и веб дизајнери кои сакаат да ги презентираат своите портфолија на јавноста и да добијат фидбек од двајца супер искусни креативци:

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #14: Natasa Petrovic

Во 14те Creative Talks (конечно во живо!) се дружевме со Наташа Петровиќ.

Наградувана актерка позната по нејзините бројни улоги во независни и национални театри, како и локални и интернационални филмови.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #13: Ruki Chuki

Во среќните 13ти Creative Talks се дружиме со Руки 🙂 Чепнавме по малку од многуте теми за кои можеме да разговараме со неа – илустрацијата, графичкиот дизајн, цртањето графити, Лондонската дизајн заедница и секојдневна инспирација.

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Creative Talks

Creative Talks #12: Nebojsha Gelevski Bane

Во дванаесеттие Creative Talks го имав задоволството да разговарам со Небојша Гелевски Бане. Еден од најпознатите графички дизајнери кај нас, препознатлив по неговиот визуелен активизам а во последно време и улогата на предавач на дизјан академии. Со Бане поразговаравме за неговиот пат и развој низ дизајнот и агенциското работење, за моменталната дизајн сцена и можностите за подобрување, како и неговите омилени проекти и препораки за младите дизајнери. Уживајте! 🙂

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social media break
my thoughts

How to have a social media break (when you work in an ad agency)

Too much time online, wasting days and days on endless scrolling, aimlessly searching for something new. Yup, we’ve all been there. Especially this past year during the lock-downs, time spent on social media has increased significantly, unfortunately on account of our productivity. So, the first thing that comes to mind when you get in that evil loop is to have a social media break. Uninstall the apps, try to completely forget about them, and once you’ve restarted your mind, try to have a more thought out approach.

The thing is, not everyone can do this. Some of us who work in (digital) marketing agencies are obliged to spend at least half of our day online, creating content for our clients, answering the audiences questions, or even following what is new on the market. Marketing (especially digital) is a fast turning job and you can rarely allow yourself a big break. So what can we do in order go have a social media cleanse if a whole detox is not possible? Here are a few ideas.

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Pale Gradients Packaging

One of my favorite current design trends – pale gradients. I might be a bit subjective on the color selection, but the combination of the colors and gradient effect definitely gives a great look to any type of product from cosmetics to food and drinks. These are only a few of my favorites.

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Creative Coffee Print Ads

Today we have a short selection of a few inspiring coffee print ads to help us get through a day of constant weather change. I hope these ads help you get a bit more inspired today, after all coffee is the fuel of creativity. 🙂

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Road Safety Campaign: The Joy of Life

I love campaigns that show a different perspective on a topic we’ve all seen and probably talked about before. Although there are some very strong campaigns dedicated to increasing road safety, the latest campaign on the topic created by DDB France is something else.

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